Monday, 7 April 2014

WWE – Distributors of propaganda and destroyers of dreams.

Anger is a very raw (excuse the pun) emotion. When you release it without thinking things through you run the risk of looking like a fool.....but that’s a chance I’m willing to take since I think it’s impossible for anyone to look as stupid as WWE do right now.

I try not to eat too much junk but since WrestleMania is bigger than Christmas for most wrestling fans I treated myself to a bottle of Lilt, some sweets and crisps then sat down to watch the showcase of the immortals.....but I wish I hadn’t bothered.....maybe WrestleMania should now be dubbed the showcase of the mortals!?

I haven’t even finished watching WrestleMania 30 (and maybe I never will).....but after witnessing the lunacy of the Brock Lesnar vs. Undertaker match I sat there stunned for the next 10-15 minutes while the Diva’s Championship match was on and then I simply had to turn off the TV. Right now for all I know Daniel Bryan could be WWE World Heavyweight Champion but you know doesn’t matter! If the holy grail of wrestling ‘The Streak’ can be tossed away in such a shabby fashion the WWE World Heavyweight Championship should be in the ‘Reduced to Clear’ section of the Argos jewellery department.

I was proud to be a wrestling fan. I never hid my passion. It was one of the first things I would tell people about myself and it was even noted on my CV. But now I’m ashamed.....what a load of f**king b*ll*cks!

What WWE fail to realise is that fans do not HAVE to watch, they CHOOSE to watch.....but from now on.....after 25 years.....I choose NOT to watch anymore.

WWE have been f**king with their fans for far too long now. I watch wrestling to be happy.....why on earth would I watch it if the happiness is outweighed by sadness?

I understand things can’t always go the way you want in wrestling, if it did there would be no point in watching but there are some things (well maybe only one actually) that you should NEVER do.....end The Streak.....and certainly not to a mercenary like Brock Lesnar!

Is this what WWE fan travel half way across the world for?

Earlier in the evening WWE induced out of me one of the biggest wrestling related smiles I have given in a long time when Cesaro body slammed The Big Show over the top rope to win the inaugural Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal.....and at that moment I wondered “Could Cesaro be the man to end The Streak in a couple of years?”

Let’s get one thing straight, just in case it isn’t glaringly obvious, I do not think The Streak should ever have ended, EVER! Too much has gone into it just to throw it all away and make no mistake, it has ALL been thrown away. The Streak no longer exists, it’s now just a really good win percentage at WrestleMania.

I know these days WWE is all about making money for its share holders.....that is not a disgruntled fan talking, that is FACT! Everything WWE give to their fans is just an investment not a gift. The difference being, a gift is something you give with no expectation of receiving anything in return, while an investment is something you give with the hope of getting more than you initially invested. I say this because, to understand why WWE do things you first need to understand what their motivation is.....profit! But.....I really can’t imagine a stampede of WWE fans rushing out to buy a Brock Lesnar t-shirt.....but The should have been immortal. There could have been a glut of merchandise being sold long after The Undertaker had eventually retired and for many, many years after that because a legend like ‘The Streak’ would live forever.

I’m sure The Undertaker would have been key in the decision to end The Streak and there are probably many factors which I am not aware of but this is NOT how it should have ended. For all The Undertaker has given to WWE, more than ANY wrestler in history, he has only been WWE or World Heavyweight Champion on seven occasions, not such a big deal I guess since championships never seemed to add anything to the character, if anything it’s possible the titles detracted from his aura. Titles weren’t The Undertakers thing but The Streak was. Unless WWE in their infinite wisdom decide to do some kind of idiotic Goldberg-esque angle with Alexander Rusev beating 10 men in one night at WrestleMania 31 & 32 (don’t rule it out, they’re morons!) no one will ever get close to 21-0 so why destroy something that you have now when you will never be able to replicate it in the future?

I give on average 1 hour of each day to WWE. Spread that over a lifetime and if I’m lucky enough to live until I’m 96, I would have dedicated 4 whole years of my life to watching WWE.....f**k that! I’ve got better things to do!

I’m sad I’ve probably missed Daniel Bryan being crowned WWE World Heavyweight Champion. I’m sad I’m not going to witness the potential debut of Sting and feud with The Undertaker. I’m sad I’m not going to experience the wonderful journey with the likes of Cesaro, Dean Ambrose, Adrian Neville and Paige like I did with Rowdy Roddy Piper, Goldust, William Regal and Shawn Michales. And I’m devastated that I’m having to walk away from my hero and role model Mick Foley.....if I didn’t it would be like and alcoholic saying “I’m giving up beer, wine, vodka, gin and whisky.....all I’m going to drink now is tequila.”

This wasn’t supposed to be a particularly coherent blog/article/post (whatever) all it was supposed to be was me saying “F**k you! I’m off!” and a way of empowering myself to walk away.

Ending The Streak did not pass the simply extinguished the flame.

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